Capital One, in order to develop the objectives proposed for its Debit/Credit Card Management and Asset Management businesses, has built a corporate structure that meets the needs of security, ease and profitability of its clients.
Trust - Banking - Crypto Administration

Capital One has fiduciary agreements in force with Virgin Finances Inc. to manage the two forms of credit/debit and investment customer relationships, through the creation of two fiduciary compartments, one for the management of funds deposited as credit collateral, and the other for the management of funds deposited under administration for customer investment.

Each compartment generates individual fiduciary management sub-accounts for each client that are linked to both credit/debit lines and investment lines.These management sub-accounts reflect the funds deposited and converted into digital assets (USDTs) in individual client Crypto Wallets, issued on the Bitpace platform; where each client, can consult at will the balance of their credits/debits and investment.

Meanwhile, the general trust is a Single and Exclusive Compartment, which has both corporate Crypto Wallets, which reflect the movement of Visa purchase/sale transactions and investment and profitability of the financial portfolios of the business and trust accounts of assets in Fiat Currency (USD, EUR, etc).

Likewise, both the general trust and the corporate Crypto Wallets have corporate bank accounts, within the National Bank of Canada, where the Fiat Currency funds (USD, EUR, etc) of the business are reflected.

Risk management

There is the option of exchanging assets through a trading desk (Liquidityone), which guarantees a totally secure and guaranteed closing of operations.

The entire corporate structure has risk insurance for the proper management of assets issued by SinoSecure in favor of each client and each compartment, both for funds deposited as collateral for credit/debit and investment.

General Structure

The overall structure is comprised of contracts and business partnerships between service providers (VISA and C21SAM) and asset managers (Virgin Finances), banks (National Bank of Canada), Crypto Asset managers (Bitpace) and Risk Managers (Sino Secure); with the purpose of meeting the profitability objectives of Capital One and its clients.


